Summary Outcomes For whom? Outline Trainers

In this training program you will expand your creative mindset by identifying and experiencing the phenomenon of interdependent pairs, known as polarities, paradoxes, or dilemmas. Complex situations contain often seemingly “unsolvable” issues that resist our best creative efforts. So what can we do when we encounter such situations?

Users of Polarity Thinking™ assert that in complex situations, paradoxical issues not only exist but also present appealing opportunities for creativity, robust responses, and sustainable impact.

Polarity Thinking™ can be widely applied to bring about organisational health, and enhance strategic planning, coaching, customer insights, conflict management, team performance and individual development. Partner it with Creative Problem Solving and you can find even more pathways to success.

The experience of paradox is a universal human phenomenon and the tension created can lead to futile attempts to find only one answer.

Wouldn’t it be great to experience how the dynamic tensions of paradoxes can be normalised?

Creative Leadership - School of Creative Thinking


  • After pursuing this training program you have learned to distinguish between either-or problem solving and both-and thinking.
  • You have expanded your creative mindset by identifying and experiencing the phenomenon of interdependent pairs, known as polarities.
  • You have practiced with a deliberate process to leverage interdependent factors that are constant and indestructible.
  • You will be able to plan your use of the Polarity Thinking™ approach in your work and life.
  • You know the importance of the underlying values and fears that drive the polarity dynamic.
  • You have explored several ways to leverage polarities. 
  • You have practiced with the different levels of integration of a polarity.
  • You know how to utilise processes and gather insights to get the best out of complexity.

For whom?

This program is intended for all participants who are interested in a deep dive in Polarity Thinking™. Its focus is professional and personal development, and organisational health.

Participants in this training program have roles as a manager, project leader, team leader, consultant and/or coach or are responsible for initiating and gaining support for a sustainable change.


On the first day you will be introduced into the world of Polarity Thinking™ through activities, discussion, and the graphic tool of Polarity Mapping.

You’ll learn what characterises a polarity and explore polarities such as freedom & structure, analysis & action, team & individual and – of course – diverge & converge. You will play with defining some polarities in your personal or professional environment. You’ll get acquainted with a process to explore the polarity by mapping the elements into a comprehensive overview.

Day two of the training program builds upon the knowledge you’ve gathered during day one. You’ll focus on several ways to leverage polarities. You’ll explore in more detail an important layer of Polarity Thinking™ to communicate effectively with others when taking the sting out of a lopsided polarity. You’ll get acquainted with seeing the underlying values and fears that drive the polarity dynamic.

In addition to practicing individually and in pairs, you’ll expand your understanding of and adeptness in leveraging a polarity in groups. Also, you’ll dive into the different levels of integration of the polarity you’re looking for.

It is possible to pursue only the first day of this training program. Check the brochure for more information.

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