Managing Partner
Branko Broekman
“Creativity is like hiking the hidden trails in the landscape of your mind”
We believe that people are flexible and resilient, that they cope better with change, that they feel in control, if they can think creatively. That is what drives us to teach you how to use your creative thinking power. By training and coaching, by facilitating creative change and by inspiring, we help you to rely on your own creativity. This is reflected in all our courses and activities.
The School of Creative Thinking originated from the Flemish Center for the Development of Creative Thinking, COCD for short.
Branko Broekman and Conny van der Wouw are the School's managing partners.
The School of Creative Thinking offers you courses from a scientific basis that are concretely applicable. Our relationship with the Creativity and Change Leadership faculty of the State University of New York in Buffalo keeps us up-to-date and closely involved in research, current issues and development in the field of creativity.
Thinking creatively one learns best by doing. Therefore, the School of Creative Thinking designs all its courses with the methodology of the Torrance Incubation Model and the theory of accelerated learning. In terms of content, the Creative Problem Solving model plays an important role, as does the Systems Model for Creative Change. When it comes to personal creativity and how you collaborate in the creative process, we use the FourSight thinking profile.
The School of Creative Thinking is proud to build on the work of many scientists and professionals. And to contribute to further development of the field.
As Confucius said, "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." Our training programs are therefore characterized by a high level of interaction and a lot of time to practice. The design of our courses is based on the Torrance Incubation Model and the theory of accelerated learning. The content of our courses is concrete and directly applicable. You can get started with what you learned right away.
Change is a given in our lives. And creative thinking is essential in change. The situations in which you apply creativity are many and diverse. This is reflected in the range of trainers that deliver our courses. The School of Creative Thinking works together with experienced professionals from Flanders and the Netherlands. Their backgrounds are different, as is their area of interest. Whether it is Design Thinking, Product Innovation, Organizational Change, Leadership, Group Dynamics, Deep Democracy or Multiple Intelligences. With their knowledge and experience from different disciplines the trainers contribute to the quality of our training programmes.
“Creativity is like hiking the hidden trails in the landscape of your mind”
“Creativity is the ability to modify self-imposed constraints”
“Become what can be.”
“You can’t change the waves, but you can learn how to surf”
“For passion to survive it needs structure. But for structure to grow, it needs passion.”
From two pioneering professors in the 1970s, we have evolved in the 21st century into a School with an international network. In 1977, Pros Vanosmael and Roger De Bruyn founded the Center for the Development of Creative Thinking (COCD), a spin-off of the University of Antwerp. From the very first scientific publications on applied creativity, these university professors were fascinated and convinced of both the power and the necessity of creative thinking. Numerous organisations and professionals found inspiration and tools from COCD for developing and applying their creative potential. The courses became thé reference for those who want to work professionally with creativity. And that still applies to the School of Creative Thinking today.
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