Summary Outcomes For whom? Outline Trainers

How do you take the reins in accomplishing a creative change in your organisation? During the Leading Creative Change training, you will explore how to lead productive thinking in the team with which you collaborate and how to guide a sustainable change.

In the 21st century, creative thinking is seen as a core skill for leadership. This training provides insights into why the current zeitgeist demands creative leadership. You will focus on how effective leadership works in the era of innovation and explore the links between effective leadership and creativity.

One of the crucial elements in leading a change process successfully is building and maintaining a work environment that stimulates the creative mindset. Steering on the ten dimensions of a creative climate can greatly influence the innovative output.

While leading the envisioned change you’ll regularly encounter situations where conflicting aspects call for a proper balance. With polarity management you’ll integrate ‘and/and’ thinking in your style of leadership.

School of Creative Thinking - Opleiding Creatief Leiderschap - Introductie


  • After pursuing this training program you are aware of how creative thinking contributes to the effectiveness of leadership.
  • You have gained insights in the impact of different leadership styles on the workplace environment.
  • You have been introduced in a number of strategies that inject creative thinking into your leadership practice.
  • You have experienced a way to monitor and stimulate an innovation culture.
  • You know how the Systems Model of a Creative Change helps you to keep track of the journey to turn your innovation ambition into reality.

For whom?

This training program is designed for anyone who wants to delve into creative leadership or who has a leading role in change, independent of one’s hierarchical position.

People who are in charge of or will be conducting an innovative process, in which one has to deal with complex and uncommon issues.

Executives, managers, team and project leaders who want to know how to create a climate that encourages new ideas and solutions.


The training program kicks off with an overview of different views of leadership, then focuses on leadership in the 21st century and on creative leadership. You will assess your own creative leadership skills, consider where attention is needed and formulate which skills you’d like to develop.

You will be introduced in the Systems Model of a Creative Change. This model provides you the reins to navigate your leadership while directing a trajectory of change.

You experience how proficiently applying polarity thinking will help you pro-actively work towards getting to a constructive balance, instead of ad hoc fire fighting.

Finally, you will experience an active introduction in the ten dimensions of the workplace environment. You will identify on which aspects you’d need to focus attention in your own work environment to keep the constructive lead in a trajectory of change.

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